'They Don't Even Call to Verify the Facts of a Story' Trump Says. Reporter Responds: 'Call Your Office, Sir'
'Patrons Saying Hateful Things'
Never Before in America Have Our Very Lives and Civil Rights Been Been So Uniquely Threatened
Here's What You Need to Start Your Day
'I Can Only Hope the Democrats Tone Down the Rhetoric' Says Chris Collins
"It was going to be pro-American, pro-Trump, pro-gay."
'This Is the Only Thing That They Had on Trump' President's Son Claims
Here's What You Need to Start Your Day
Trump's silence on Pride is his acceptance -- ours would be our undoing.
Chuck Woolery: 'Not to Stir the Pot but, #BernieSanders Is a #Jew and a #Communist'
'How Could Conservative Media Figures Not Have Felt - Felt in Their Hearts and Bones - the God-Awful Ickiness of It?'
"To be president of this country, you have to have tremendous stamina," Trump has said.
Yet Another Trump Administration Failure?
Protection for People With Pre-Existing Conditions Is Cut
Shots Fired!