Chairman of House Space Subcommittee Says He Agrees With Trump
Franklin Graham's Organizations Have Received Over $100,000 From Trump's Foundation
Judge Notes Discriminatory Practices Could Have Irreparable Harm
Statement Debunks Right-Wing Claims That Democratic Nominee Is Gravely Ill
Minor Incident Gives New Life to Conspiracy Theories About Democratic Nominee's Health
'I Invited You to Come and Apologize to All Mexicans'
Vicente Fox Blasts Trump and Current President of Mexico
'Brooke and Jubal' Features Phone Calls from Effeminate, Sexualized Caricature Gay Man
Breitbart News Chief Now Running Trump Campaign Ran One of the Most Anti-LGBT, Racist, Far-Right, and Nastiest Publications in America
Right-Wing Think Tank Claims Study Shows No Scientific Basis for Believing LGBT People or Treating Transgender Children With Appropriate Medical Care
Houston Rally Linked to Neo-Nazi Aryan Renaissance Society
Anti-Gay Alabama Chief Justice Will Face Trial-Like Proceeding Next Month
Longtime Trump Confidante Roger Stone and Trump's Head of Veterans Outreach Push Offensive Story
Green Party Presidential Candidate Falsely Claims Confidence in Regulatory Agencies Like the CDC Is Low
Not for Profit Wants to Provide 'Sanctuary of Hope Dedicated to the Lives Affected and Taken by the Tragedy in Orlando'