The White House has finally put out a “statement” of sorts in response to a vile video depicting a fake “Donald Trump” violently slaughtering the media...
The announcement basically “ended in disarray,” and proved to be yet another example of the lack of organization in the Trump White House.
Supporters at President Donald Trump’s Trump National Doral Miami showed a video depicting the president conducting a mass shooting. Instead of people’s heads, however, it was...
Republicans have outspent Democrats on the impeachment battle. That's starting to change.
President Donald Trump’s former top official responsible for defeating the Islamic State was outraged on Saturday by reports that Syrian Future Party co-Chair Hevrin Khalaf had...
And yet Trump insists he doesn't know the Ukrainian businessman.
Two days ago Attorney General Bill Barr held a secret meeting with Fox News parent corporation founder Rupert Murdoch.
Turkey has just bombed U.S. Special Forces who were “caught up in Turkish shelling against U.S.-backed Kurdish positions in northern Syria,” Newsweek just reported in a...
A federal judge has just issued an order blocking President Donald Trump’s new policy of banning poor immigrants, calling it “repugnant to the American Dream.” President...
President Donald Trump broke the law when he reallocated federal funds via an emergency order and used them to build his border wall. MSNBC’s Pete Williams...
The former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine who delivered a stunning statement just hours ago has just delivered a new one: the State Dept., at the direction...
The US Attorney's Office Giuliani once headed is now investigating him.
Trump repeatedly said he was fulfilling his promise to end "endless wars" by pulling troops out of Syria days ago.
Separation of powers exists to “save the people from autocracy.”
"It’s a breathtaking aspect of this unfolding scandal,” New Yorker journalist Susan Glassner says.