House Democrats meet at 4 PM today to discuss.
Hatch Act violation again?
Personally involved in keeping Congress from reviewing damning whistleblower report.
A former top Obama Dept. of Justice official just weighed in on The Washington Post’s latest bombshell involving an intelligence official’s whistleblower complaint against President Donald...
“The standard that has to be met by the IG... urgent is talking about fire, as he referred to it”
"What brand beyond Fallwellism will Liberty have to call its own?"
"First time Nadler has gone this far."
ObamaCare actually reduces the federal debt.
"The justice manual compels you not to resubmit the case to the same or a different grand jury.”
“When gun control laws are implemented, they don’t work," Cruz claims.
"Honors the Republican tradition of using the memory of 9/11 to attack people who had absolutely nothing to do with it."
Bolton was Trump's fourth – and longest-serving – National Security Advisor.
Report does not say Falwell has denied the allegations.
"Trump should be impeached and Wilbur Ross should be fired."
“All he wanted to talk about was how he would nail his wife, how she couldn’t handle [his penis size], and stuff of that sort,” a...