Erick Erickson is at it again.
Step one: Clorox the Oval Office.
Expect the number to grow in the next day or two, and escalate once a majority is met.
The "Fox & Friends" co-hosts Thursday morning continued their jobs as the cheerleading squad for the Trump presidency.
“We’re not done,” the sheriff says.
'So Far I’ve Been Ghosted'
Claims 'Presidential Privilege'
Location reportedly revealed by chef during hearing on felony assault and domestic violence charges.
"An autocratic, tyrannical, punative, manipulative liar just like her father!"
Two strong Democratic candidates challenging the most unpopular Senator should mean one Democrat will become the new Senator from Kentucky, right?
How sad that a 67-year old man of faith has so little faith in the American people he claims to serve, and in our Founding Fathers...
"We don’t have those shows anymore. We’re too interested in homosexual activities."
"Trump is truly America’s Bigot-in-Chief."
Refuses to say if ICE's raids have begun.
Reason unknown.