Attempt to Build Support for Firing?
Under Pompeo's leadership – without warning or notice – an appearance at CIA by the Matthew Shepard Foundation was canceled just before it was scheduled to...
CNN host reminds Rep. Jordan he has never even see the document he's talking about.
Trump's attorney Michael Cohen "liked to be known as the 'fixer,' doing whatever needed doing to defend his boss." Those days are now over.
White House Afraid of Comey's New Memoir
'We Are Well and Truly F**ked in November'
Search Includes Cohen's Personal Finances
"They’re actually pushing this filthy trash on young people whose parents are paying good money to send them there for a quality education," Graham says.
“I don’t mind dying, but whoever shoots me better shoot well or I’m shooting back.”
"If Christians had come out to vote, this seat wouldn't have been lost," Graham laments.
“I mean yeah, I did,” Rippon says. He also got negative comments, including one from the president's son.
'That. Is. A. Lie – Full Stop'
“I didn’t go into news to give people biased information,” says Justin Simmons.
Bruce Helford claims producers did their "due dilligence" then says "I don't know the context of that so I wouldn't make a comment on it," about...
"These poor children, I’m afraid to say this and it hurts me to say this, but the evidence is irrefutable, they have no soul," says Ted...