The Pentagon has just announced 34 U.S. troops have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries as a result of Iran’s missile attacks on U.S. Forces at Iraqi...
"I heard that they had headaches" Trump says.
A week after the U.S. assassinated Qasem Soleimani but the administration refusing to identify the supposed “imminent threat” that led to his authorization to kill the...
After a blowup by Republican Senators Mike Lee and Rand Paul Wednesday the White House sent Vice President Mike Pence out on a media blitz Thursday...
President Donald Trump will address the nation Wednesday morning on Iran’s attack on two military bases in Iraq hosting U.S. Armed Forces. The missiles were a...
President Donald J. Trump dined on meatloaf and ice cream as news broke that the U.S. struck and killed Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani in Iraq.
Hypocritical much?
Because tweeting seems highly appropriate...not.
Giuliani never registered as a foreign agent.
Trump is literally renting out the U.S. Armed Forces, and admitting it. No mention what happens if and when any U.S. service members die as a...
"These are not strategically sophisticated people."
A Commander-in-Chief "who is in over his head, has alienated our allies, surrounded by Actings and temporaries, and has no idea what he is doing."
Within less than 12 hours President Donald Trump threatened Iran over its downing of an unmanned, $130 million U.S. Military surveillance drone, backtracked, saying on national television...
"We are all on the same page!"
"There Is Literally a Character Called "The Mad King" but Ok"