Martin Shkreli, the man dubbed "the most hated man" in America, has had a really bad week.
Lindsey Graham in a recorded message says he feels he's accomplished one of his campaign's goals and will drop out of the 2016 race for president.
GOP candidate's latest phrase mirrors racist governor's famous line defending segregation.
Terrorism has skyrocketed to the number one issue for Republicans so much that it's now the top issue for American nationwide.
Will Ferrell perfectly captures former President George W. Bush, asking America if the current slate of GOP candidates "makes you miss me, doesn't it?"
Opinion: Sarah Palin continues to embarrass herself, but this time she's really done it.
Justice Antonin Scalia made remarks in court today that raised a lot of eyebrows and revealed what some are calling a racist point of view.
NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, has just endorsed a Republican presidential candidate who literally has stood with a pastor who calls for the biblical killing...
The results of the TIME magazine Person of the Year Readers Poll are a fascinating snapshot of America.
In a very carefully worded statement, Mike Huckabee tells CNN he's unaware of any anti-abortion activists who have suggested violence toward Planned Parenthood's personnel.
Not a single Republican presidential candidate even acknowledged domestic terrorism at Planned Parenthood today, but two did take time to ask supporters to go shopping.
Stephen Colbert takes a shot a Donald Trump, mocking him for reading the news and "predicting" events.
Ben Carson tags onto Donald Trump's false claim, say he too saw the news coverage of thousands of American Muslims in New Jersey celebrating on 9/11.
The Democrats got a bit feisty today, putting George W. Bush's words where their mouths are.
Stephen Colbert unleashes unusual thinly-veiled rage on Republican presidential candidates attacking immigrants.