CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, tonight (shockingly) held a gay rights panel titled “A Rainbow on the Right: Growing the Coalition, Bringing Tolerance Out of...
NOM President Brian Brown today sent a demoralized fundraising email begging for money, telling his anti-gay supporters to chin up, and claiming he is “optimistic” the...
Two LGBT icons, Sally Ride and Bayard Rustin, are among the sixteen American heroes whom President Barack Obama will award the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The...
Orson Scott Card has taken a few moments out of his busy anti-gay agenda to get his name back in the news, and we are only...
The Supreme Court’s decision on DOMA last week will lead to a “bleak future” including “imprisonment” for Christians warns Janice Shaw Crouse of the rabidly anti-gay...
CPAC, the annual Conservative Political Action Committee, begins today in Washington, D.C. The conference boasts Rick Santorum, Tony Perkins, Sarah Palin, Donald Trump, Rand Paul, Ken...
GLAAD today responded strongly to the Boy Scouts surprising announcement that they were postponing a vote to drop their ban on gay people. In a statement,...
Care to caption this photo of Donald Trump and Mitt Romney?   Related: Trump’s ‘Big News’ Falls Flat: $5 Million In Exchange For Obama Records...
Mitt Romney, speaking in Michigan, one of his several home states, told supporters this morning, “No one’s ever asked to see my birth certificate.” Lis Smith, a...
Jamie Kuntz, a college football player at North Dakota State College of Science (NDSCS), was caught over Labor Day weekend giving his boyfriend a kiss while they were...
New GLAAD president Herndon Graddick is calling the Family Research Council (FRC) “as fringe as fringe gets,” and is chastising NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, for...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; First, there were the birthers. Now, there are the seceders. Over the past few days news has swept the nation that there’s...
Republicans are delusional. Show them a picture, or say the sky is blue, and they’ll do backflips trying to claim something totally different. It’s always been...
Missouri voters on Tuesday decided kids shouldn’t have to study evolution, climate change, or anything gay — in fact, anything the kids want to claim violates their...
Who is Mark Regnerus? Mark Regnerus is a University of Texas at Austin Associate Professor of Sociology. His professional integrity was cast into doubt in June,...