Trump gets thousands of hours of free advertising called cable news stories, the GOP has had twice as many debates as the Democrats have - why...
Saturday Night Live's version of Ted Cruz admits what he really means when he says "New York values," and it's not just about abortion or same-sex...
Refuses To Apologize For 'New York Values' Comments During GOP Debate
Op-Ed: Guest author and veteran journalist Brody Levesque argues the LGBT community will never be free and equal as long as religious extremists are allowed to...
Birther 2.0? An 85-year old attorney says "natural born citizen" has never been defined, and only the Supreme Court can do so.
The New York Daily News produced another iconic front page cover after the Cruz-Trump battle Thursday night at the GOP debate.
Ted Cruz was confronted with his "New York Values" slur, prompting Twitter to respond beautifully.
Republican Governor Nikki Haley is wrong, very, very wrong.
New Marco Rubio ad shows what his true agenda really is: a right wing Christian theocracy.
One Alabama county probate judge has had it with the State Supreme Court Chief Justice.
George Pataki is preparing to announce he is quitting the 2016 race for the Republican nomination for president.
A Texas restaurant chain says it was risky but worthwhile to post a sign warning customers it is "politically incorrect" and says "Merry Christmas!"
The Holidays can be great, but dealing with "your Republican uncle" can be a challenge. Just in time, the DNC has put up a website to...
Opinion: Comparing Planned Parenthood to the Nazis, Franklin Graham has decided to quit the GOP - proof of the insanity of today's Republican Party, and proof...
Patti Davis says her father, the late president Ronald Reagan, wouldn't even be welcomed by today's Republican Party.