During a segment on CNN this Thursday, the panel discussed President Trump’s earlier “unscripted, vindictive, at times profane, angry, rambling response to his impeachment acquittal.” During...
In an upcoming four-hour documentary series on Hulu former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton blasts Sen. Bernie Sanders, her 2016 rival for the party’s nod. “He...
The Trump campaign is under fire after falsely accusing a prominent Democratic Congressman of calling for the president to be hanged. Speaking on CNN, House Majority...
The White House said President Donald Trump would be “working all day,” “briefed by staff,” and “could catch some of proceedings between meetings,” but his latest...
North Carolina towns are canceling their annual Christmas celebration parades "amid fears of violence."
Trump insists U.S. Constitution's Emoluments Clause is “phony.”
According to the conservative, Graham elevated the profile of the South Bend, Indiana mayor — and in a good way for the Democrat.
Graham is literally one of the first four, and one of the top Members of Congress who will be briefed by AG Barr on the Mueller...
"I’d like to remind Stacey and Oprah and Will Ferrell, I’m kind of a big deal, too," Pence had to tell voters.
"The White House is completely tanking the local candidates’ messages."
Aretha Franklin is laid to rest in Detroit. Watch it live.
So. Much. YES.
Trump turned his back and walked away, taking no questions.
Barr Falsely Claims 'George Soros Is a Nazi Who Turned in His Fellow Jews'
Today is a tough day for NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch.