New York City has a new mayor. Bill de Blasio was sworn in overnight at a simple ceremony in front of his Brooklyn, NY house, and...
How To Make Good Use Of A Bad Year And A Bad Decade It seems appropriate that 2009 would be a terrible year, to top off...
The Shape Of Things To Come   The way I see it, there’s so much gay marriage news happening right now that if even I,...
NY State Assembly Dragging Its Feet On The LGBTQ Community? Â After a week of heightening anticipation, NY Governor David Patterson today announced he will introduce...
Amazon Finally Speaks: Benefit Of The Doubt?  Just hours ago we posted “Amazon Fails Gay Readers And Writers, Reclassifies GLBTQ Books As “Adult“. Amazon has...
Why Four ‘M’s Equal Equal Marriage  New York Governor David Patterson is pushing Albany for a gay marriage bill. New York State already recognizes gay...
It was only a matter of time. And so the war begins. Via Politico: “Ads will air in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire...
Obama’s Call For 21,000 Troops To Afghanistan Makes Gay Troops Indispensable  Today, President Obama announced far-reaching plans that commit the United States to aggressive action...
Obama Chose To Follow “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Pursueâ€.  President Obama hosted an “Online Town Hall” today. Americans were invited to ask questions in...
Gay Marriage in Vermont is “This Close” Rejoice! Vermont’s Senate just approved gay marriage! The gay marriage bill is expected to pass Vermont’s House this week....
Remember that classic moment when Joe The Plumber first met Barack Obama? It was back in October, just a few days before the final presidential debate,...
 The Daily Show With Jon StewartM – Th 11p / 10c Nathaniel Frank Daily Show Full Episodes Important Things With Demetri Martin Political Humor Economic...
If I had cancer then caught the flu because I had to crawl home in a snowstorm after being bitten by a dog then broke my...
“They [gay marriage proponents] hope to use the law to reshape the culture in exactly the same way that the law was used to reshape the... Only fifteen days into the new year, a year of promise that ushers in our first African American president, and yet, already our rights are...