Obama’s Call For 21,000 Troops To Afghanistan Makes Gay Troops Indispensable  Today, President Obama announced far-reaching plans that commit the United States to aggressive action...
Obama Chose To Follow “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Pursueâ€.  President Obama hosted an “Online Town Hall” today. Americans were invited to ask questions in...
Gay Marriage in Vermont is “This Close” Rejoice! Vermont’s Senate just approved gay marriage! The gay marriage bill is expected to pass Vermont’s House this week....
Remember that classic moment when Joe The Plumber first met Barack Obama? It was back in October, just a few days before the final presidential debate,...
 The Daily Show With Jon StewartM – Th 11p / 10c Nathaniel Frank Daily Show Full Episodes Important Things With Demetri Martin Political Humor Economic...
If I had cancer then caught the flu because I had to crawl home in a snowstorm after being bitten by a dog then broke my...
“They [gay marriage proponents] hope to use the law to reshape the culture in exactly the same way that the law was used to reshape the...
https://youtube.com/watch?v=EWCum9yQhTg%26hl%3Den%26fs%3D1 Only fifteen days into the new year, a year of promise that ushers in our first African American president, and yet, already our rights are...
Ann Coulter has made it her business to ridicule gays. By ridiculing straights:Â Bill Clinton “show[s] some level of latent homosexuality”, Al Gore is a “total...
https://youtube.com/watch?v=u5U9N4cBY28%26hl%3Den%26fs%3D1 Today’s Daily News reports that New York Governor David Patterson is considering American Federation of Teachers’ president Randi Weingarten to fill the vacancy that will be...
In today’s New York Times was a full-page advertisement paid for by a group of religious leaders, the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty. It is titled...
https://youtube.com/watch?v=SqWqBAx_WIw%26hl%3Den%26fs%3D1 “Prop 8 The Musical” has taken the nation by storm, and has provoked thunderous laughter from the left and thunderous attacks from the right. Can’t...
After so much heated emotion on both sides of the Proposition 8 battle, the main stream media is having fun watching Jesus Christ, er, Jack Black...
Four years ago the Congressional Budget Office released a report that found that the legalization of same-sex marriage would add almost one billion dollars annually to the US Treasury. These...
Sarah Palin got it right. Well, just one thing: Palin knows how to fill a void. Who else was able to upstage two solid weeks of...