Welcome to the New GOP, and to the New America. It’s not your father’s GOP, it’s not your father’s America. It’s your grandfather’s. Let’s take a...
I know, amazing, isn’t it. Harold Ford, the Blue-Dog-Democrat, the Chair of the right-wing Democratic Leadership Council, the man who ran in Tennessee against gays and...
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One Hundred Organizations. Just Hours Left. This one is easy, folks! Today is the last day to vote for your favorite LGBTQ charities in the Chase...
There. I said it. Like so many Americans with at least half a brain, I am sick to death of ignorant, stupid jackasses who think they...
Scott Brown’s Positions On DOMA, DADT, ENDA, And More Scott Brown, the Massachusetts Republican state senator running against Democrat Martha Coakley, Massachusetts’ Attorney General, is vehemently...
The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today kicked off their bigotry hate fest, the “Summer for Marriage Tour 2010,†and shared this photo of NOM President...
So, I’ve been writing The New Civil Rights Movement for exactly fourteen months. This will be post #668. As readers, you’ve made 4,342 comments. I’m asking...
I just read – and re-read, just to be sure – Maggie Gallagher’s comments from Tuesday’s Prop 8 trial. Why is it that every time she...
You’ll remember that one year ago today, U.S. Navy Seaman August Provost, a black, gay sailor, was found murdered, his body shot three times, gagged, bound,...
I’ve been working to try to understand the recent arguments America’s Right Wing has been trying to make against marriage equality. If you have been following...
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America’s Right-Wing’s Ridiculous Anti-Marriage Equality Arguments I’ve been working to try to understand the recent arguments America’s Right Wing has been trying to make against marriage...
Tonight, Rachel Maddow spoke with Ted Olson and David Boies about their leading the challenge in federal court to overturn Proposition 8. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32545640 Visit msnbc.com for...
Over the weekend, former New York Governor Elliot “I had $80,000 worth of adulterous sex with prostitutes with my socks on but condom off” Spitzer said...