Ann Coulter has made it her business to ridicule gays. By ridiculing straights:Â Bill Clinton “show[s] some level of latent homosexuality”, Al Gore is a “total... Today’s Daily News reports that New York Governor David Patterson is considering American Federation of Teachers’ president Randi Weingarten to fill the vacancy that will be...
In today’s New York Times was a full-page advertisement paid for by a group of religious leaders, the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty. It is titled... “Prop 8 The Musical” has taken the nation by storm, and has provoked thunderous laughter from the left and thunderous attacks from the right. Can’t...
After so much heated emotion on both sides of the Proposition 8 battle, the main stream media is having fun watching Jesus Christ, er, Jack Black...
Four years ago the Congressional Budget Office released a report that found that the legalization of same-sex marriage would add almost one billion dollars annually to the US Treasury. These...
Sarah Palin got it right. Well, just one thing: Palin knows how to fill a void. Who else was able to upstage two solid weeks of...
Remember Oklahoma Representative Sally Kern? You’ll remember early last year Rep. Kern got busted at her own fundraiser. Never think someone isn’t recording you. Because someone...
My, how far we’ve come! Time was, a hundred years ago, being labeled a homosexual gave you a free pass – to go directly to jail.... Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy ,/center>
Chris Matthews Thursday night, talking to New York Magazine’s John Heilmann, says he doesn’t consider Democrats who trash healthcare Democrats, “I consider them different. I consider...
I always thought the role of religion was to tend to the poor, the sick, and mankind’s soul. Those days are gone. Religion in the America...
“Uganda Be Kidding:” Won’t Denounce Uganda’s “Kill The Gays” Bill Reporter: “Do you think it’s appropriate to criminalize homosexual conduct anymore?” Brownback: “I’m not going to...
Calls Gay Marriage “Destructive” South Carolina Republican Senator Jim DeMint, in an interview with Bloomberg’s Al Hunt, called homosexuality “immoral,” and said he would be “bothered”...
Maddow: “You’ve Got Blood On Your Hands” Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy