"The Russia thing is not a hoax. ... They are going to come again because they exceeded their wildest hopes."
President Trump's record for having the highest turnover of any president in history is not getting any better.
'Good Lord Terrible Idea' Says a Dartmouth Economics Professor
The secretive Christian evangelical organization allegedly has ties to Ugandan politicians who worked to enact the "Kill the Gays" bill.
Trump says the only things that can slow down America's economy are "foolish wars, politics, or ridiculous partisan investigations."
Any attempt by the Trump administration to force the beloved progressive jurist out of her seat would be met with extreme opposition.
If anything can keep Trump awake at night, it's these guys.
"GUYS, I thought it had finally HAPPENED and that we were getting a REAL CHRISTMAS MIRACLE."
The President's goal appeared to be to convince Trump's remaining supporters that there are two sides to the story about Russia's interference.
'Breaking: Charlie Brown Receives Assurances From Lucy That She Will Not Pull the Football Away'
"I would encourage Stephen to ask himself if the chanting, torch-bearing Nazis...do not envision a similar fate for him."
Experts Say Trump Laying Groundwork to De-Legitimize the Election Should Democrats Win Big
Seeks Restitution of $2.8 Million and Additional Penalties
'No Matter What'
"Why is there a bankrupt, illiterate, hate-mongering, racist criminal in the White House?"