A disturbing video compilation of Sinclair Broadcast Group’s mandated “fake news” script has gone viral. Earlier this month, CNN reported that Sinclair – which owns or...
Spread Conspiracy Theories About Parkland Shooting Survivors
Vice President Mike Pence and Family Research Council president Tony Perkins are two of the key players who reportedly “played a leading role” in drafting the...
Political Hit Job?
In what many will see as a politically-motivated move, Attorney General Jeff Sessions late Friday night fired Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe. President Trump repeatedly called...
'Psychiatric Drugs' That 'Have Very Severe Warnings Associated With Them Related to Depression and Suicidal Thoughts' Are to Blame Says Matt Bevin
Susan Bro, the mother of slain activist Heather Heyer, has revealed that she's had to hide the location of her daughter's grave from white supremacist neo-Nazis.
'He Is a Loving Father and a Grandfather. Most Important, He Is a Christian'
Abuse of Power
Bridenstine Has Said 'The Intolerant Left Bullies and Browbeats' and Attacked Liberals by Proclaiming 'Some of Us in America Still Believe in the Concept of Sexual...
'I Don't Hate People. I'm a Christian. I Don't Hate People' Moore Says, Despite All Evidence to the Contrary
Channels His Inner Nancy Reagan...
'Love Is the Cure. Not Quarantines' Says Elton John
'Solve the Problem' by Impeaching Just One Moore Says
'We Certainly Support Religious Freedom and Would Ask That Congress Also Support That as Well' Says Press Secretary