"You might want to print out President-elect Trump's statement, 'I am not going to cut Medicare or Medicaid,' and post that above your desk."
$30 Trillion International Corporation Latest Manufacturer to Suffer Threatening Trump Tweets
Daraprim maker loses $14.6 million in latest quarter.
Ever wonder how much the head of your favorite LGBT organization makes?
 In post-election call NOM president says, ‘These are not countries that look kindly on same-sex marriage”  The National Organization for Marriage is pledging to...
This is Part II. Please click to continue to Part III. Now, just as there was in Teddy Roosevelt’s time, there is a certain crowd in...
President Barack Obama Tuesday afternoon slammed the GOP as he delivered a feisty and populist speech reminiscent of former President Theodore Roosevelt, in the same Osawatomie, Kansas, that...
This is Part III. Please click to continue to Part II.  But in order to structurally close the deficit, get our fiscal house in order, we have...
Then-Trump HHS Secretary Tom Price Made More Than $225,000 on Collins' Australian Stock
Republican State Rep. Is Also a Medical Doctor and Wife of Former Trump Administration HHS Secretary Tom Price
'Private Travel Has Become the Norm - Rather Than the Exception' for Tom Price
Secretary Tom Price Just Last Week Spent $60,000 on Private Planes at Taxpayer Expense
"I firmly believe that nobody will be worse off financially in the process that we're going through," Tom Price says
From GOP Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, to the State of Florida’s CFO, to Republicans in Congress, the far right has put a target on Pete...
New information is coming out about the use of private jets by Tom Price, the former Georgia congressman who spent eight months as Secretary of Health...