CNN predicts Handel Wins Over Ossoff
Here's What You Need to Start Your Day
Falsely Suggests Democrats Outspending Republicans in Georgia Special Election
'My Faith Calls Me to a Different Place on the Issue' of Letting Gay People Be Parents
Yes, She Really Just Said This
Without data, LGBT elders and others could be left in the cold • Data helps determine funding for home-delivered meals, transportation, home care, and caregiver support
Stunning Hypocrisy
'So Bring It On!'
Trump 'Making Good' on Promise 'He Was Going to Be the President for All Americans' Conway Falsely Claims
Also Slams Georgia Democratic 'Congressioal' Candidate and Claims He's Exposed Obama's 'Failure'
President Promotes Fox News Show Calling For Speaker Paul Ryan To Resign
Will Trump Demand a Vote?
'No Deal'
Republicans Cherry Pick the Facts They Like
Votes Scheduled for Wednesday Morning