Joe Biden is on the offensive, hitting back after a viral story in the New York Post claims the former Vice President’s son, Hunter, was attempting...
“Talk to Rudy,” President Donald Trump said to anyone dealing with Ukraine issues. The sworn testimony came from European Union Ambassador Gordon Sondland, who testified before...
Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani launched a new Facebook page aimed at promoting his purported “investigation” in Ukraine, but it has been marred from the start by...
Someone's not a fan.
There is "a dire threat to the rule of law in the country I love."
The US Attorney's Office Giuliani once headed is now investigating him.
Parnas and Fruman allegedly laundered Russian money into the campaigns of several Republican politicians, including President Trump.
Giuliani refuses to say how much he is being paid.
Hoarse and Sweating Bullets
"Honors the Republican tradition of using the memory of 9/11 to attack people who had absolutely nothing to do with it."
'Except Where Nobody Gets Killed or Robbed'
AND he accuses Twitter, Inc. of being "committed cardcarrying anti-Trumpers."
An enterprising web designer saw an opportunity and took it.
Mr. 'Truth Isn't Truth' Lies Again