A Georgia pastor's explosive rant that went viral on YouTube says he was taken out of context. He doesn't support equality, he just hates hypocrisy. But...
The Duggar family, despite their claim they would be just fine when TLC canceled their show, are reportedly "heartbroken."
Watch this video of two men holding hands on the streets of Moscow, pretending to be a same-sex couple, see the ugly reactions they got from...
A video depicting a Kentucky county clerk denying a same-sex couple a marriage license after the police were called has gone viral.
Josh Duggar's problems may not yet be over, according to a new report by InTouch.
A ballot initiative that called for death to all gay people is officially dead, thanks to California Attorney General Kamala Harris. Is this the end, or...
The white supremacist terrorist who shot and killed nine parishioners in Charleston was radicalized by a racist hate group that Family Research Council president Tony Perkins...
The man accused of bashing two gay men with a chair in a Chelsea, New York City restaurant has finally surrendered.
Watch as NOM Chairman John Eastman denounces America's international efforts to protect LGBT people, adding that he hopes Uganda reinstates its "Jail The Gays" law quickly.
A Michigan pastor under fire for being gay but publicly attacking homosexuality is accused by a parishioner of telling her depressed gay son to kill himself.
The Missouri Speaker of the House has been caught sexting with a college freshman, an intern at the capitol's intern program that shut down without explanation...
Mati Weiderpass, who defended then apologized for hosting Ted Cruz, is now play offense, with a new, offensive op-ed in a conservative media outlet.
The NYPD is looking for the man in this image, who is suspected of whacking a gay couple over the head with a wooden chair in...
A federal judge has dismissed a Nebraska woman's lawsuit which she filed against all gay people, because, Jesus.
A woman in Nebraska has filed a seven-page lawsuit naming "homosexuals" as the defendants, and "God, and His, Son, Jesus Christ," as the plaintiffs.