Family Research Council head Tony Perkins will interview Alabama's Chief Justice about his anti-gay letter promising to not observe federal rulings on same-sex marriage. Listen live...
Dr. Ben Carson isn't backing away from his "joke" this weekend about anti-gay bakers poisoning wedding cakes of same-sex couples.
Fox News' Erick Erickson, deemed America's "Most Powerful Conservative," calls gay people terrorists, hours after terrorists strategically slaughtered 12 people in Paris.
Will there be enough conservative votes to elect Rep. Louie Gohmert, or will John Boehner retain his Speakership?
A controversial billboard promoting "ex-gay" junk science has yet another problem: the model says he's a proud gay man and not even a twin. Oops.
An under-construction museum that refuses to comply with state non-discrimination laws finally lost $18 million in taxpayer funding.
A veteran Kansas state lawmaker is promising to bring back a bill that would discriminate against gay people under the guise of "religious freedom."
A highly-controversial candidate accused of sexual harassment, public masturbation, and plagiarism in his campaign has lost in a highly-contested congressional race.
In what might just be the most far-fetched federal court filing ever, a South Carolina "psalmist" claims same-sex marriage will prevent his ability to worship.
Harlem's hate pastor is back, this time warning America to "stay away from Starbucks if you don't want to get Ebola." Why? Gay people.
Remember last week's viral video of a man being taken down by bystanders after he attacked a man he called a "fag"? Police have ID'd him...
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in New York City last night explained why the nation's top court hasn't taken up the issue of same-sex marriage...
A federal judge has slammed both the state GOP and NOM, allowing them to appeal the North Carolina marriage ruling but making clear it's merely an...
About 70,000 marched in Paris with the violent anti-gay hate group La Manif Pour Tous against allowing surrogacy or in-vitro fertilization for same-sex couples.
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia toyed with University of Colorado students this week about when -- or if -- the nation's highest court will take up...