Senate Judiciary Committee Chairmen Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Monday released a partially unclassified email by former National Security Adviser Susan Rice, suggesting...
Michelle and Barack Obama on Monday Morning Are Unveiling Their Portraits That Will Hang in the National Portrait Gallery
Donald Trump opted to stay in Washington D.C. this weekend, a rarity for this president. As such, he's been pretty active on Twitter.
GOP Senator Behind False FBI 'Secret Society' Claim Is Out With Another Lie
'The Obama Economy Was So Weak All of These Years' Hannity Says (No, It Wasn't)
Bruce Levell, an adviser to President Donald Trump's 2020 campaign, told MSNBC on Sunday that President Barack Obama should not get credit for jobs created during...
'That's What It Means to Lead With Hope and Not Fear'
'He's Going to Be Out There for Candidates, He'll Be Out There Helping Us in Meaningful Ways'
London's Mayor Rejoices
$10 Billion in Legal Pot Sales Last Year - Taxes in Some States Support Public Schools
The Obama White House 'Informed the Press Corps About the Fact That He Was Golfing and Who He Was Golfing With'
'There Are Countless Stories From This Year That Remind Us What's Best About America' Obama Says
'Shameless. Utterly Shameless.'
Three Out of Ten Americans Think President Has Repealed Health Care Law
Michelle Obama, Oprah Also Make List