Not a Word
Effective Immediately
DOJ Proves It Does Not Support LGBT Civil Rights or Even Understand Them
Trump advised he won't fail in dealing with Kim Jong Un like previous presidents did when he was eight years old.
Calls Bill 'Deeply Flawed'
'If a Bunch of White Guys Are Sitting Around the Table Trying to Get More Women Involved, They're Not Going to Come Up With the Answer'
'I Cannot in Good Conscience Vote for the Graham-Cassidy Proposal'
'We Really Aren't Sure What the Impact Will Be'
'I Thought That When I Won, I Would Go to the Oval Office, Sit Down at My Desk, and There Would Be a Healthcare Bill on...
'Of Course I Do, Absolutely' Spicer Now Says, Sans an Actual Apology or Admission of Guilt
'A Place to Gather and Learn From One Another'
'I Had the Privilege to Speak With Edie a Few Days Ago' - Former President Shares Personal Reflections on Same-Sex Marriage Icon
Trump 'Refusing to Give Up on Obamacare Repeal' Yet Tweets Repeal Is a Waste of Time
"Kicking them out won't lower the unemployment rate, or lighten anyone's taxes, or raise anybody's wages."
Former President Will Use Social Media to Reach More Than 100 Million People if Trump Ends Popular Program