Trump Lied. Period.
Program Protects Immigrants Who Came to US Before They Were 16
'We Did That Purposely Since You Hate Jews' Company Says
Republicans Hell-Bent on Destroying ObamaCare and Stealing Health Care From Millions
'Trump Is Man Who Is Petrified That the World Is Caving in Around Him, Gasping for Validation From His Most Racist Fans'
Conway pivoted to ObamaCare and Benghazi when confronted with the White House's conflicting statements.
'Kill the Bill! Kill the Bill! Kill the Bill!' • McCain Voted No! McCain Voted No! • Elizabeth Warren: 'Let's Have Some Fun! Does Anyone Want...
'Skinny' ObamaCare Repeal Dies on Senate Floor, 49-51
ALERT: ObamaCare Repeal Could Be Law by Saturday
John McCain, Battling Cancer, Destroys His Legacy as a Statesman by Flying to DC to Cast Deciding Vote to Debate Stealing Health Care From Millions
'Obamacare Is Death. That's the One That's Death' Trump Says, Falsely
'Absolutely Repugnant' That 'Some Female Senators' Don't Have the 'Courage' to Repeal ObamaCare Says Rep. Farenthold
'All Agree the U. S. President Has the Complete Power to Pardon' Trump Says, Wrongly
Three-Quarters of the Population by 2026 Would Have No Non-Group Insurance Provider
Watch: Trump Invites Senators to Lunch, Threatens Them on Live TV, Demands They Repeal ObamaCare