He calls himself the “the only libertarian in Congress.”
The Trump administration's gaslighting of America on Puerto Rico continues.
It's that "& only take from USA" that really makes it racist.
Candidates can stand out visually by creating an identifiable brand.
"It's funny because he ruined the world."
"We can't allow companies who support anti-LGBTQ groups to do business at state owned facilities."
Police say he gave a young man GHB, which is also known as the “date rape drug.”
"I’m terrified of going back," the whistleblower said. "I know that this will not be perceived in favor of my intentions, which is to bring back...
'Don’t Bring Your Scam to Tennessee'
U.S. Dept. of State was forced to issue a statement on Brunei's new anti-LGBT law. It was weak and does not specifically address stoning gays to...
'Foreign Influence, Conflicts of Interest, Concerning Personal Conduct, Financial Problems, Drug Use, and Criminal Conduct'
“The full and complete report must be released to Congress without delay.”
Trump is apparently attempting to battle the latest rash of bad-news polls.
Total Humanitarian Aid to the 3 Countries in 2017 Less Than Taxpayers Have Spent on Trump's Golfing Trips
The Arizona House Ethics Committee on Friday released the shocking documents.