"They said this woman is never going to teach in this school ever again."
Saints aside, there do not appear to be any scientific studies to support Masouras' claims.
'A Desire Is Born, and Then the Desire Is Passed on to the Child'
"Duterte is gay. So I am gay, I don't care if I'm gay or not."
According to the conservative, Graham elevated the profile of the South Bend, Indiana mayor — and in a good way for the Democrat.
After Attacking LGBT People for Years Santorum Now Says 'I’m Not an Expert in This Area'
U.S. Dept. of State was forced to issue a statement on Brunei's new anti-LGBT law. It was weak and does not specifically address stoning gays to...
Most LGBT organizations and activists do not believe the Trump administration has any intention of actually pursuing this agenda.
Was It Satire? Maybe. But He Concludes People With Heart Disease, Diabetes, or HIV 'Should Not Look to the Public Dole for Relief'
"It's a free country, she can say what she wants, I don't care," Graham says.
“Mark Harris will be the same man in Washington that he has been for decades here in the Charlotte area.”
"I didn't write the Bible."
'The Pope Loves You Like This and You Should Love Yourself and Not Worry About What People Say'