'Go Push Those Democrats' Trump Instructs
Trump Invokes 9/11
President Trump's Prepared Remarks as Released by the White House
Don't Be Duped
Trump Ad Says 'Democrats Who Stand in Our Way Will Be Complicit in Every Murder Committed by Illegal Immigrants'
'I'm Donald Trump and I Approve This Message'
Senate Republicans Can't Pass Bill to Keep Government Operating - Trump Begins Second Year in Office in a Shutdown
'I Have Never Met With a DACA Recipient' • Just Can't Remember What 'Tough Language' Trump Used, or Even if Norway Is a Majority White Country
Donald Trump launched his latest assault on Democrats and DACA.
'Welcome Back to the Studio'
Judge Says Jeff Sessions' Interpretation Is 'Based on a Flawed Legal Premise'
During a meeting with reporters at Camp David, Donald Trump confirmed his intent to hold DACA recipients hostage to obtain funding for his border wall.
Democratic Leaders 'Chuck and Nancy' Opt to Deal With Congress, Not Trump
"I'd Die in Guatemala - See, I'm Gay."
Married With Four Children, Anti-Gay Former GOP Lawmaker Who Resigned in Disgrace Had Also Been Charged With Child Pornography