Iowa Republican Has Long History of Vile Remarks
Via the White House
Add Additional 10,000 Immigration Agents to the Federal Government's Payroll
'Cloistered in the White House, He Now Has Little Access to His Fans and Supporters'
Caution: Graphic
One of America's Leading Anti-LGBT, Anti-Immigrant Religious Conservatives
'Regardless of the Station We Occupy; We Have to Try Harder'
'Government by the Least Qualified or Most Unprincipled Citizens'
The Cast Addressed Pence Directly as the Show Ended
Here's What It's Like To Get Gay-Married 4 Days After A National Tragedy
Takes Zero Responsibility But Tells Supporters to 'Stop It'
Families of Immigrants Are 'Terrified Tonight'
Massachusetts Senator Slams Republican Presidential Nominee
'He Has So Coarsened Our Politics That He Remains a Contender for the Presidency Despite Musing About His Opponent as a Gunshot Target'
Clinton Details Trump's Alt-Right, White Supremacist Ties