"Our 'president' is a moronic angry clown who should be barred from this and all services to mark 9/11."
"This is NOT a celebration!!! What is wrong with you?!!"
"It's like 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, we're being assaulted by the left," Owens says. "And we need to understand who they are. They're globalists, and they're...
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The President's eldest son couldn’t remember whether he had discussed the Russian investigation with his father.
'Any Message Today Should Be on Offering Thoughts/Prayers for Victims and Their Families'
'Collusion With Russia Is Proving to Be a Total Hoax' President Falsely Claims
Fires All 16 Members Via FedEx
Just one day before Robert Mueller will reportedly issue the first indictment in his Russia investigation, Donald Trump took to Twitter to attack Hillary Clinton and...
'Since We Don't Put Up Statues of Jesus, Everyone's Going to Fall Morally Short'
As the 4th largest city in the nation continues to face catastrophic flooding, the President of the Untied States turned his attention to his 2016 victory...
Ryan Blasted for Not Standing Up for the Rule of Law
Voters Trust Clinton Over Trump on Most Issues
More Than 9 Out of 10 Voters Have Made Up Their Minds