Despite all the momentum over the past few weeks (not to mention the huge focus this year!) is it possible that the vote to repeal “Don’t...
I have to admit, when I read Megan McCain’s tweets earlier today, saying, “I couldn’t be more proud of my mother for posing for the NOH8...
NY State Assembly Dragging Its Feet On The LGBTQ Community? Â After a week of heightening anticipation, NY Governor David Patterson today announced he will introduce...
                               The Colbert ReportMon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c The Word – Army of One Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Joke of the... Only fifteen days into the new year, a year of promise that ushers in our first African American president, and yet, already our rights are...
2010: The Year When Everything Could Change – For The Worse I’m often reminded of the late-90’s science fiction TV show, “Sliders,” in which a group...
Sarah Palin got it right. Well, just one thing: Palin knows how to fill a void. Who else was able to upstage two solid weeks of...
Mike Huckabee is the target of both the Left and the Right today, as news comes that nine years ago, as Arkansas Governor, he commuted the...
Votes To Remove $1.75 Billion F-22 Funding From Bill In Face Of Presidential Veto Threat Moments ago the U.S. Senate voted to remove funding for the...
“I have voted along with the vast majority of Alaskans who had the opportunity to vote to amend our Constitution defining marriage as between one man...
Literally all you need to see today.
Also present was a pastor who has called Hitler a "half breed Jew," and a "hunter" who was fulfilling God's will.
"The dude LITERALLY bankrolls, runs, and rides with a fascist street gang of violent thugs that brag about injuring people. They literally have fucking uniforms," one...
Pastor said Jews should have gone to Israel instead of living out their lives in their homes, from which Hitler took and murdered them.
'There It Is. The President Now Accusing Myeshia Johnson, a Gold Star Widow, of Lying'