'It Would Be a Bombshell of Epic Proportions' Says CNN's Erin Burnett
"We owe it to those in Orlando to become the voices they lost."
Court Says Trump Acted Outside His Legal Authority
Candidate Trump Politicized the Massacre, Never Visited Site of America's Deadliest Terror Attack Since 9/11
Trump Blaming the Democrats Is a Lie, Pure and Simple
Conspiracy Theorist Is a 'Truther' Who Says Massacre Never Happened
President's Daughter Quickly Reminded Why It Exists
'Fox & Friends' and Geraldo Rivera Aren't Going to Convince America of Anything
'Protect Yourself: Avoid All Contact With These Infected Individuals'
"I love Pride," Elizabeth Warren said.
The star was previously destroyed last year.
"His loose associational relationship with the truth becomes problematic for him."
Trump "clearly terrified of the British public," one U.K. leader said.
DOJ lawyers are seeking to have the lawsuit filed against Trump dismissed.
"We're still waiting for a response from Trump."