White House Today Said Vote Would Take Place and Bill Would Pass
American Health Care Act Looks Near Death
'No Deal'
'We Finally Declared That in America, Health Care Is Not a Privilege for a Few, but a Right for Everybody'
Former House Intel Counsel: 'I've Got to Believe That Other Members of the Committee Are Horrified'
President Falls To 37 Percent In Gallup Poll
"We're living in a very dangerous world. We can't do this alone," Rep. Will Hurd says
TrumpCare Says Trump 'Is Going to Be Fantastic'
Even a Fox News Poll Can't Save Trump
'I Don't Think There Was an Actual Tap of Trump Tower'
Republicans Cherry Pick the Facts They Like
46 Federal Prosecutors Told to Hand in Their Notice
'Yes or No - Do You Believe That President Obama Did That?'
GOP Congressman Also Wrongly Claims 'Spain Taxes the Sun'
Obama 'Much More Concerned by President Trump Kicking People Off Their Health Insurance' Than 'What Trump 'Tweets at the TV Each Morning' Source Says