Stephen Colbert last night on Comedy Central’s “The Colbert Report” featured the masthead and quotes from The New Civil Rights Movement’s original investigative report, “Billy Graham Endorses...
Paul Ryan told Focus on the Family president Jim Daly that he and Mitt Romney will defend DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act, in the courts, and...
Actress Rosie Perez tells Joy Behar she is “baffled” by any Latino who would vote, against their own interest, for Mitt Romney. Perez says Latins are...
While we here at The New Civil Rights Movement never did an official postmortem look at the whole Chick-Fil-A brouhaha, we certainly have covered the issue more...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Nate Silver is gay, in case you didn’t know. Until yesterday, practically no one did. Silver is the incredibly accurate statistician who gave...
Actress Jane Lynch, sports icon Billie Jean King, and other high-profile lesbians are joining to support and endorse LPAC, a super PAC focused on lesbian and women’s...
Yesterday, as The New Civil Rights Movement reported, Maggie Gallagher — in her typical victim-playing fashion — targeted Ed Kennedy, the After Elton editor and creator of the...
Donald Trump says the Bureau of Labor Statistics jobs report of 7.8% unemployment is “phony,” and added, “I guarantee” the “real number is 15 percent, 16...
The Alliance Defending Freedom just published this cutsey anti-gay marriage video that attacks President Obama and compares same-sex marriage equality supporters to racists and polygamists. Amusing,...
Rick Perry yesterday urged “Christian warriors” to fight President Obama and the concept of separation of church and state, which, he claimed, is of “Satan.” Perry,...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Former Florida Governor Charlie Crist, a former Florida GOP chairman, and other Republican operatives are saying that early voting reductions in the...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Academy Award-winning actor and activist Morgan Freeman narrates HRC‘s new marriage equality ad, “Dawn of a New Day for Marriage Equality,” which “vividly displays our...
Mitt Romney today released an ad attacking President Obama for what Romney calls an “apology tour,” but the ad uses debate footage recorded from PBS, the...
Mitt Romney lied 24 times during last night’s presidential debate, his third and final opportunity to share his “vision” with the American people. Unfortunately for Mitt...
Mitt Romney wants you to know that allowing same-sex couples to visit each other in the hospital is a benefit — not a civil right —...