var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Saddleback Megachurch pastor Rick Warren is really really sorry his “private” video supporting California’s anti-gay Prop 8, which he posted online to...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; It took conservatives a mere 90 minutes past President Obama‘s 1:30 AM Election Day victory speech to float the idea of improving...
We have been reporting on an invalid sociological study on gay parenting carried out by researcher Mark Regnerus of the University of Texas, Austin. Regnerus’s known total of...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};UN Ambassador Susan Rice is not going to be America’s next Secretary of State, according to Roger Cohen, a veteran New York Times...
When a judge ordered the release of the so-called National Organization for Marriage’s anti-gay, race-baiting strategy documents, the towering civil rights leader Julian Bond said, “It confirmed a suspicion...
Dr. Keith Ablow and Tony Perkins discussed President Obama‘s support for same-sex marriage, the institution of marriage, and adoption of children by same-sex couples as they...
 They marched forward, dignified and determined, willing to put it all on the line for equality. “I am somebody!†The crowd around them full of...
The Catholic Church is the world’s single largest anti-gay hate group. If we are to minimize its pernicious influence, we must educate societies about the Church’s...
Here we have yet another example of why the Catholic Church should be stripped of its tax-exempt status. 501(c)3 tax exempt organizations, under IRS code, are not...
President Obama delivered his third State of the Union address last night, and in it, mentioned the LGBT community only once, and only in passing. No...
“Mitt Romney has invested his money around the world, from the Cayman Islands to Ireland to Australia. We don’t know if he’s using these accounts to...
Ramping up the rhetoric and lies, Rick Santorum yesterday toured New Hampshire, the “live free or die” state, and attacked gays and the Occupy Wall Street...
Why isn’t the Right up in arms over Governor Sam Brownback’s demand that a teen who tweeted her thoughts on him write an apology. The First...
Your first stop to see what’s happening. NOW: Uganda’s Kill The Gays Bill Disappears From Parliament Schedule – For Now Obama Approval Rating Rises To 60%,...
Marriage equality, LGBT immigration, the challenges same-sex married binational couples and their families face — and what marriage really means. Columnist David W. Ross explains. Yes. I...