Senator Scott Brown (R-MA) debated Elizabeth Warren last night, and told the audience, “Elizabeth Warren claimed she was a native American, a person of color, and as you...
“Mitt Gets Worse” is a super PAC partnership between two progressive icons –Â American Bridge 21st Century and Courage Campaign — “that aims to educate voters about...
Now that president Obama has won, and America has decided hate is bad, and being pro-choice, pro-women, pro-gays, pro-minorities pro-people over corporations, pro-jobs, and pro-health care...
Jamie Kuntz, a college football player at North Dakota State College of Science (NDSCS), was caught over Labor Day weekend giving his boyfriend a kiss while they were...
A Fox News Radio article, in an attempt to both politicize and religicize 9/11,  is attacking President Obama because his 9/11 proclamation does not include the word “God.” Recognizing...
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg just endorsed President Obama for re-election, citing the President’s record on same-sex marriage and women’s rights, and the belief Obama...
Today President Obama told the United Nations General Assembly that murdered U.N. Ambassador Chris Stevens “was killed in the city that he helped to save” and...
America’s likely voters handed President Obama a slam-dunk hands-down thumbs-up win on his handling of Hurricane Sandy. The Commander In Chief was given a 78% approval...
Scott Lively, when it comes to leaders of certified anti-gay hate groups, is one of the more pernicious, having extended his reach around the world. Lively...
Calls GOP ‘Narrative An Alternative Universe’ Former President Bill Clinton told a cheering crowd that “what works in the real world is cooperation,” as he praised President...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};President Barack Obama took the opportunity at the annual pardoning of the White House turkey this afternoon to crack jokes about Mitt Romney‘s...
Stephen Colbert last night on Comedy Central’s “The Colbert Report” featured the masthead and quotes from The New Civil Rights Movement’s original investigative report, “Billy Graham Endorses...
Larry Klayman is calling President Barack Obama the “Mullah In Chief” and says that the President’s re-election has made Christians and “Americans of faith” (albeit presumably...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; First, there were the birthers. Now, there are the seceders. Over the past few days news has swept the nation that there’s...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Ambassador Susan Rice has just announced her she is withdrawing her name from any consideration for Secretary of State to replace Hillary Clinton,...