"This is not justice," says Chairman Adam Schiff. "Just PR."
"How is Rudy Giuliani able to prepare a 'counter report' to Mueller if he hasn’t read it?"
The Commander-in-Chief appears to be spiraling even further into madness.
MSNBC Needs to Ban Far Right Wing Extremists, Give More Airtime to Democrats and Less to Republicans, and Up Its Game Overall – Before It's Too...
Did CNN learn its lesson, or will it try its hand once more at shaping a presidential race by using its tremendous resources to create a...
Basically the Kremlin is saying, President Putin knows what he's doing, it's none of our business that President Trump does not.
"The core of the Buzzfeed story is accurate."
"Maybe they were rounding up to the nearest 4000?"
The judge made clear during Cohen's sentencing that "each of these crimes is a serious offense against the United States."
Nauert has attacked the press, lied about the US voting against a death penalty resolution protecting LGBT people, and was apparently unaware North Korea "has the...
Death threats, hacked email, impersonation. Dr. Blasey Ford's life has been turned upside down.
Hope you've had your morning coffee.
Much of the initial reporting on his guilty plea missed this mysterious detail.
"I know that Mr. Cohen would never accept a pardon from a man who he considers to be both corrupt and a dangerous person in the...
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