President Donald Trump is admitting he has “never” talked with President Vladimir Putin about Russia’s bounty program that pays the Taliban to kill U.S. soldiers, because...
The White House is refusing to accept the fact that hospitalizations in coronavirus hotspot cities are spiking and ICU beds in many areas are near or...
President Donald Trump in a private conference call on Wednesday with 10,000 leaders from his most-devoted base, the religious right, in the middle of a global...
“I’ll take Defenses of Mediocre White Men for $200, Alex.”
Promoting White Nationalism? Starting almost immediately the White House on Thursday announced new immigration regulations and restrictions against pregnant women seeking tourist visas to travel into...
Is this the best we can do?
Graham claims that shutdown talks are not actually to open up the government.
Grindr president says he supports same-sex marriage but believes marriage is a religious rite and one-man, one-woman only.