‘I Don’t Want to Talk About Any of the Facts’: Secretary of State Pompeo Covers for Saudi Arabia

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is parroting President Donald Trump’s message in the case of the missing – and likely murdered – Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
On Monday President Donald Trump, realizing the apparent murder of Khashoggi was something he could no longer ignore, he announced he was sending Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on a fact-finding mission to Saudi Arabia.
It is now clear that was not the actual goal of Pompeo’s visit.
Overnight, after meeting with Saudi King Salman, Secretary Pompeo was asked by reporters if the Saudis had told him if “Khashoggi is alive or dead.” The Secretary refused to answer.
“I don’t want to talk about any of the facts,” Pompeo told reporters as he headed to Turkey, according to the State Department’s official transcript. “They didn’t want to either, in that they want to have the opportunity to complete this investigation in a thorough way.”
Here’s video. Pompeo’s remarks about facts start at the 43 second mark:
Reporter: Did they say that Khashoggi was alive or dead?
Secretary Pompeo: I don’t want to talk about any of the facts. They didn’t want to either.
— Robert Maguire (@RobertMaguire_) October 17, 2018
The prevailing narrative right now is that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered Khashoggi’s murder. Four people tied to the Crown Prince have been ID’d as suspects by Turkey.
And Turkey has now shared audio of Khashoggi’s murder with Saudi and U.S. officials. It is gruesome.
But it now seems clear Pompeo wasn’t dispatched Saudi Arabia to get to the bottom of what happened to the Washington Post journalist, a U.S. permanent resident, who has been missing since October 2. Instead, it seems clear he was ordered to meet with King Salman to concoct a cover story for the royal family.
Of note, Pompeo met with the King and with his foreign minister, Crown Prince Adel al-Jubeir – but not with Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), who just happens to be a friend of White House Senior Advisor and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner. If getting to the bottom of what happened were Pompeo’s actual goal, why wouldn’t he meet with the man Turkish officials say ordered the torture and execution?
Many are pointing to the above photo and video below as proof Pompeo’s mission was to help the Saudi royal family cover up what appears to be the murder of Jamal Khashoggi – not to get to the actual facts.
Look at @SecPompeo laughing away w the Saudi’s as if they didn’t just brutally murder and dismember a journalist. These images are seen around the world. Wonder if he met w the Russian delegation who was visiting MBS at the same time. Did they all work together for this cover up?
— Olga Lautman (@olgaNYC1211) October 17, 2018
Watching Secretary of State Mike Pompeo yukking it up with the Saudi Crown Prince who’s credibly accused of having tortured and gruesomely murdered a Washington Post journalist days ago is . . . well, distressing. To put it very mildly.
— Laurence Tribe (@tribelaw) October 17, 2018
Let’s not forget Pompeo overruled State Dept experts to ensure we’d keep providing weapons and refueling services to the Saudis as they continue bombing Yemen. Between that and the Kashoggi murder cover-up, it’s becoming clear you get a lot of death for your cash at Trump hotels.
— Walter Shaub (@waltshaub) October 17, 2018
Dear @SecPompeo: Turkey provided to the US the audio of the murder of Khashoggi in the office of the Saudi consul general. What about this audio do you not understand?
— Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) October 17, 2018
Yesterday, by making America the witting accomplice to covering up a murder was Mike Pompeo’s worst day as Secretary of State.
— David Rothkopf (@djrothkopf) October 17, 2018
Khashoggi was flayed alive. A martyr for our sins. This is so very bad, so revolting, and so clear a warning. Pompeo grinning with a psycho. Impunity reigns. No limits. Unless we fight back now with our votes.
— XENI (@xeni) October 17, 2018
Image: U.S. Department of State/ Wikimedia
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