On Fox News Thursday, Laura Ingraham tried to make a false comparison between the coronavirus pandemic and AIDS — and Dr. Anthony Fauci promptly corrected her....
"They had seven different ways to have their souls hijacked."
Berkeley law professor John Yoo on Fox News Monday night suggested Purple Heart recipient Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the top Ukraine expert at the White House,...
"People feel like they're working their butts off, and all they are is called 'racist' all day long," Ingraham warned.
Laura Ingraham Invites Anti-Gay Extremist to 'Debate' Issue of Drag Queens Reading Children's Story Book to Kids
Trump sits down with Laura Ingraham.
Even Laura Ingraham was a bit shocked.
"Your gay brother called you a homophobic 'monster' six months ago."
There is no "safety of your home country" in these cases.
Trump had actually hired Joe diGenova, a well-known conspiracy theorist, but backtracked.
"This has to be one of the most racist things ever said on television. Advertisers, are you really going to continue to support this???"
'I Think She’s a Monster'
Fox News Host Lies: 'I Made Explicitly Clear That My Commentary Had Nothing to Do With Race or Ethnicity'
"Fascinating that Ingraham believes we should 'vote' on demographic changes. What would that vote look like?"
Approximately 12,000 children currently are being housed in cages, warehouse-style, by the federal government.