The Anti-Defamation League said that though Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, had caused “untold damage by using his vast influence and platform to poison countless...
The Goyim Defense League (GDL), an anti-Semitic group, displayed banners this weekend declaring its support for anti-Jewish statements recently made by Ye, the rapper known as Kanye...
Uganda is one of the most homophobic countries on the planet. Kanye West is trying to help improve the country's tourism, President Museveni says.
"Why are we now doing ‘Kanye Week’?"
And now we know his cell phone password.
“She stayed away from politics—she was all about music all about, you know, female empowerment.”
West suggested he wanted to work on prison reform.
"It's not a violation of his first amendment rights to not play his music you two bit grifters."
"I actually don't think you're thinking anything."
The President's eldest son's hypocrisy is showing.