"What I think is the worst sin of all is the fact that we’re allowing people to come into this country and sell drugs," Trump said.
Does Trump think "Sicario: Day of the Soldado" is a documentary?
Trump offers up minimal DACA deal.
“New documents show Nielsen lied in sworn testimony to Congress about the administration’s family separation policy.”
Trump administration began separating children from their parents as a "trial balloon" in 2017, before the “zero-tolerance” policy was announced in 2018.
"Nothing says slow-moving coup like giving a would-be dictator free airtime to address the nation about a fake crisis he has created."
'They're Trying to Teach Kids With Other Kids Who Are Paying Taxes, Whose Parents Are Paying Taxes, the Same Subjects'
Where are the prosecutions?
Pence's double-speak is misleading at best.
"We are damned if we do and damned if we don't."
"Sanctions Are Coming."
"Makes sense to me!"
King defended the deaths of two children to those that may occur in housing projects.
John Kelly claims the policy that caused hundreds of immigrant children to be separated from their parents was Jeff Sessions' idea.
Hey, why are we only focusing on one border?