Newly-Released Emails Republicans Tried to Hide Prove Kavanaugh Has Lied
Judge Mansplains to California Senator
'Proof of Kavanaugh's Hostility Toward Women's Reproductive Freedom'
"This may be a break-out moment for the junior senator from California."
'I Am Not Sure That All Legal Scholars Refer to Roe as the Settled Law of the Land'
"I openly accept the consequences. I am releasing it to expose that emails being withheld have nothing to do the national security."
Kyl likely will give Republicans more of a cushion in the Kavanaugh hearing.
UltraViolet blanketed Capitol Hill with an ad campaign that's quite ingenious.
Video and Photographic Evidence Appear to Prove Raj Shah Incorrect
"He pulled his hand back, turned his back to me and walked away."
"If there is no vote on this motion...this process will be tainted and stained forever," Sen. Blumenthal says.
GOP Senator Chuck Grassley Loses Control of Hearing
'An Act That Might Be Described as Tyranny'
'Breaking: Charlie Brown Receives Assurances From Lucy That She Will Not Pull the Football Away'
Kavanaugh OK with Clinton being asked sexually explicit questions about an affair, but believes Trump should not be required to speak with Mueller.