“Yeah, well, boo yourself.”
Senate Judiciary Republicans Try to 'Slut-Shame' Julie Swetnick
'The White House Feels Her Public Testimony Was Sufficient'
'They Give Us a Lot of Credit'
Chuck Grassley says no FBI report has been made public before.
Story Supports Classmates' Claims Kavanaugh Was 'Belligerent and Aggressive' When Drunk
Experts say that a Supreme Court nominee trying to "sway the information" would be "highly imprudent."
White House Has Not Released Actual Directions to FBI
NBC News' Kate Snow Is Interviewing Julie Swetnick
Refuses Three Questions on Kavanaugh From Reporters, Two Are Women
It has become quite clear that Kavanaugh wasn’t being slimed but instead is a slime ball.
“If you hate what you’re hearing about the FBI Kavanaugh investigation, know this is precisely how the White House will run the Russia investigation if they...
'Could Be Finished by Monday Morning'
Lindsey Graham has dedicated himself to finding who he believes are the real villains -- the Democrats.
President Trump may have undone his own limitations on the FBI investigation of Brett Kavanaugh.