President Claims 'She’s Doing Great'
First Lady returns after 5 days for what typically has a one day recovery period.
Perhaps if this were the first time Mrs. Trump had plagiarized Americans would be disinclined to highlight the audacious pirating.
Melania Trump appears to have cribbed the guidelines from an FTC pamphlet published under her husband’s predecessor, Barack Obama.
"Be Best also implies competition, aiming to be better than everyone else. Yuck, bad choice, Melania Trump."
"She’s focused on being a mom," for starters, the White House says.
Donald and Melania Trump ended Friday night at a Studio 54 disco-themed party at Mar-a-Lago after meeting Parkland survivors.
'She Plans to Use Her Title and Role to Help Children, Not Sell Books'
First Lady Urges World Leaders to 'Live by and Honor the Golden Rule'
'No Good Comes From Violence' Melania Trump Tweets
White House Also Defends President
'Our Culture Has Gotten Too Mean and Too Rough, Especially to Children and Teenagers' -Melania Trump, Nov. 3, 2016
First Lady Suing for $150 Million
Documents Show GOP Nominee's Wife Worked In US Illegally After Immigrating From Slovenia In 1996