Mitt Romney, speaking in Michigan, one of his several home states, told supporters this morning, “No one’s ever asked to see my birth certificate.” Lis Smith, a...
Jamie Kuntz, a college football player at North Dakota State College of Science (NDSCS), was caught over Labor Day weekend giving his boyfriend a kiss while they were...
New GLAAD president Herndon Graddick is calling the Family Research Council (FRC) “as fringe as fringe gets,” and is chastising NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, for...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; First, there were the birthers. Now, there are the seceders. Over the past few days news has swept the nation that there’s...
Republicans are delusional. Show them a picture, or say the sky is blue, and they’ll do backflips trying to claim something totally different. It’s always been...
Missouri voters on Tuesday decided kids shouldn’t have to study evolution, climate change, or anything gay — in fact, anything the kids want to claim violates their...
Who is Mark Regnerus? Mark Regnerus is a University of Texas at Austin Associate Professor of Sociology. His professional integrity was cast into doubt in June,...
Mitt Romney campaign logo merchandise is being made in China, as the image above shows. Barack Obama‘s is made in the U.S.A. by union workers. The above...
A Fresno, California school district is teaching 39,000 students across its 40 schools that a good night’s sleep can help prevent them from contracting HIV and...
Bryan Fischer says that gay Republicans “undermine and subvert” the “moral foundations of the Republican Party,” and have “no business” being in the GOP. Fischer, the public...
With all due respect to the people personally impacted by Hurricane Sandy, allow me to explain why this event is the perfect symbol of what a...
Editor’s note: 6:55 PM ET Â — Ten minutes ago, CNN updated their story, which we quote below, to state that a Red Cross warehouse has decided...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; This post is the eleventh in a series of Spilled Milk columns by Emmy Award-winning writer and producer William Lucas Walker that chronicle his journey through...
In a free society, perhaps most sacred is the right to vote. An opportunity for your voice to be heard. This is not the time to...
“I worked hard and sacrificed to get what I get,  Ladies, it ain’t easy being independent.†– Destiny’s Child, Independent Women 1 The election is days...