“We’re gonna be forgotten people,” LePage warns, referring to white Americans.
Why is she attacking LGBTQ people? And are LGBTQ people attacking marriage? I thought that was something we fought like hell to be a part of?...
Judge says there will be no “third chance,” and if he violates the gag order again he’ll go to jail.
Leave it to "Fox & Friends" to do everything they can to use the Smollett story to paint the entire left as unhinged.
Grand Jury is being presented with evidence.
"We do not have tails. We’re not monsters."
Noted veteran LGBT activist Sue Hyde explores and debunks latest attacks on LGBTQ people by the Heritage Foundation.
Miller was unable to respond to Wallace's demands on the Sunday talk show.
The ad "recounts a 1939 Nazi rally in New York City, and a warning — 'It Can Happen Here' — to Hannity's largely conservative viewers."
"I would dress my daughter first, as I would take her for a pedicure, I'd take her to get her nails done, and see if she...
"Oh, Jesus Christ"
"They're definitely doing an epic 'live from NY it's S&L' this weekend."
"I'm glad you're not a teacher," Roker chastised.
It's unclear why Chicago police claim they did not have information on the "MAGA" slurs until hours later.
"I don't think we want a 70 percent income tax in America," Schultz says, despite evidence to the contrary.