In what may be among the most disgusting acts of the 2016 campaign yet, Donald Trump is using the murder of a woman to further his...
A board member of the National Rifle Association (NRA) actually blames Pastor Clementa Pinckney for his own murder. What happens next boggles the mind.
Mike Huckabee again is claiming that the removal of prayer from schools causes mass shootings.
Dr. James Dobson is the founder of the Family Research Council and Focus On The Family, two of America's most anti-gay, "Christian" organizations. Here's how he...
In yet another indication of how American Evangelicals have infected the African Continent, Christian leaders in Liberia are blaming "homosexualism" for the Ebola outbreak that has...
Southern Baptist Pastor Jody Hice, who claims there is a homosexual plot to sodomize children and says the First Amendment does not apply to Islam, just...
Responding to great public outcry, HGTV has pulled the plug on plans to create a new reality TV show starring two brothers — twins — at...
U.S. Senator Rand Paul isn’t the only member of Congress who has suggested the Civil Rights Act of 1964 might be unconstitutional. Enter U.S. Congressman Ted...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Here’s the complete text of President Barack Obama’s 2014 State of the Union Address: THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary...
A well-known conservative pundit who was drummed out of many inner circles for trying to reform the GOP, this morning took to Twitter to mock his...
President Barack Obama today spoke on “common-sense measures to reduce gun violence.” Full video and transcript. WATCH: Newtown Parent: ‘It’s Alway’s Somebody Else’s School — Until...
Looking for a last minute gift? Look no further than the #NRA Store! — NRA (@NRA) December 13, 2013 Has the NRA just lost...
President Obama and Sandy Hook families address the American people on failure of Senate to pass the gun background checks bill. The live conference is over....
Vice President Joe Biden, tasked by President Obama to determine a path forward to resolve the nation’s gun crisis by the end of January, in the...
The NRA has been invited to the White House this week to discuss gun control, as part of Vice President Biden’s task force that is exploring...