After Democrats Waged a 15 Hour Filibuster to Force the GOP to Allow a Vote, They Have Just Defeated Two Gun Control Measures
HBO Pundit Challenges America to Force Congress to Allow Research on Preventing Gun Violence - Because That's Currently Illegal, Thanks to the NRA
Democrats Force Republicans to Budge on Gun Control
Democrats in the U.S. Senate Are Refusing to Leave Until Republicans Allow a Discussion on Gun Control
If you're reading this, as a member of the LGBT community or not, please know that while we are strong: We are not okay.
"Daily Show" host Trevor Noah rips Fox News hosts to shreds for saying President Obama crying this week over kids shot to death was fake.
The front page of today's NY Daily News labels Republicans "blood soaked" and "pandering liars."
Fox News Sink To New Low - Says President's Tears Over 20 Sandy Hook Slaughtered Children Were Fake
In a stunningly tone-deaf move, Senate Republicans have blocked several gun control bills that would literally keep suspected terrorists, felons, and the mentally ill from accessing...
Wednesday's deadly shooting is believed to have been carried out by a local married couple.
Two of the suspects in the San Bernardino shooting have been killed. One is in custody, one is on the loose.
Possibly for the first time ever, many people are unabashedly attacking politicians and demanding immediate action on gun control during an active shooting event.
Don't listen to a single word from the NRA, its supporters, or the pro-gun crowd. When there have been more mass shootings than days this year,...
There is an active shooting underway in San Bernardino, California.
The United States has a gun problem, but can we do anything to fix it?