var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Comments made by an unnamed U.S. official suggest the death penalty may not have been removed from Uganda‘s “Kill The Gays“ bill. The Washington...
Conservatives are now attacking General David Petraeus, the CIA Director who resigned today because he had an extramarital affair. Petraeus just months ago was considered a possible...
Tonight only, in New York City, the premiere of “Codebreaker,” the film about UK World War II hero Alan Turning, the gay man who broke the...
Bryan Fischer, the man who led the conservative attack on Mitt Romney’s foreign policy gay spokesperson, Richard Grenell, now is asking how a midwestern “yokel” like he...
35 major organizations, from the AFL-CIO to the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, from  HRC and GLAAD to the ACLU and the National Center for Lesbian Rights,...
“Week in Review” is a new addition to the New Civil Rights Movement by Tanya Domi, which presents a review of top news throughout the world and...
In 2011, the world witnessed the heinous murder of David Kato, a Ugandan gay activist who was bludgeoned to death in January, setting a sober tone...
International Hillary Clinton’s Makes US Foreign Policy LGBT History Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivered a historical foreign policy speech outlining the Obama Administration’s position on...
International United Russia Calls for Gay Speech Ban Most Kremlin watchers agree that Vladimir Putin’s United Russia party [image, top, 2008] will prevail as the majority...
Rick Perry, the latest in the radical, religious, Republican race to the presidency, lies twice as much as he tells the truth. No, this isn’t partisan...